Our logo

Rotessa logo navy blue
Rotessa icon navy blue
Rotessa logo white
Rotessa icon white

Use the full colour navy logo over a white or light coloured background.

Use the reversed white logo for use against dark coloured backgrounds.

Logo padding
Leave a

Ensure the logo is displayed with ample room (or padding) around its edges withoutobstruction. Use the sizing of the ‘r’ icon as a reference to achieve appropriate padding.

Logo usage
Do not stretch, discolour or adjust the logo, or put the logo on top of a busy background
  • Do not alter the proportions of the logo in any way
  • Do not change the color fill of the logo
  • Do not place the logo on a busy or distracting background
  • If possible, please link logo usage to rotessa.com

Our product description

This is how we describe our software:

Rotessa allows you to withdraw money directly from your customer’s bank account when their payments are due. Schedule one-time or recurring payments with Rotessa to get paid on time.

When describing our product with text or imagery, please:

Do indicate that our software is an ACH payment solution (for the US) and an EFT or PAD payment solution (for Canada).

Do not indicate that our software is an e-check, credit card, debit card, e-transfer or credit payment solution.