Despite serving a large geographic area, Shane and Blaine of Horizon CPA have an outstanding reputation amongst their diverse clientele. Their “holistic” approach to their clients’ finances has played a key role in their organic growth year after year.

Shane Wagstaff, founder of Horizon CPA, says their well-rounded view of a financial plan is what sets this practice apart and gives his clients the best start in their businesses. Shane, operating out of the Red Deer and Trochu locations, works with farmers, ranchers, oilfield contractors, holding companies and other small to mid-sized business clients. The relationships Shane has built and maintained with his hometown clients have helped his young practice grow steadily throughout the years. Words of mouth referrals are their greatest growth vertical and attest to the quality of work and care Horizon CPA provides.

Blaine Gendre joined the practice in early 2019. As an Albertan as well, Blaine came to the practice with experience in the oil, gas, and mining industries. Blaine services the firm’s Edmonton client base and works alongside the business owners in that area to grow a well-rounded and successful business.

Horizon’s clients, covering hundreds of kilometres of Alberta, are mostly rural, hard-working, and well-established. Shane and Blaine work with them to utilize cloud technology to manage their businesses finances. Since their launch, they have begun working for an increasing number of remote clients.

Therefore, by leveraging technology such as Microsoft Teams to meet with clients they have been able to increase not only the number of clients but also the number of kilometres between them. “70 percent of my clients I work with remotely as they are located over 2 hours away,” says Blaine. By adopting this tech, their clients are able to focus more on what they love: their business.

In addition to their paid services, Horizon also offers great resources on their blog for Albertan business owners about budgeting, payroll, incorporation, and more.

As a new member of the Accountant and Bookkeeper Partner Program, Horizon is excited to start introducing Rotessa and Pre-authorized debits to their clients. In addition to their 30% transaction discount that they can share with clients and friends, they will also share their experience and business tips with us!

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