Trusted by 3000+ small businesses across Canada and the United States
Payments you can bank on
Rotessa is online software that makes it easy for any business to schedule and withdraw single or recurring payments directly from their customer’s bank. Pre-authorized debits have never been this easy.

We have a flat rate fee, not percentage-based like credit cards. Instead of paying 2-3% on every transaction, you only have to pay as little as 35 cents.
Rotessa allows you to schedule payments in advance and settles directly to your bank account electronically. We also work with QuickBooks Online and Xero to easily create payments based on invoices and reconcile your records automatically.
Instead of waiting for your customers to initiate payments, you get to control when the money is withdrawn from their account. This means you never have to worry about chasing late payments again.
Trusted & Regulated

Measurable Savings
Use the sliders to see how much your business can save over credit card transaction fees
Number of monthly transactions
Average transaction amount
Your Results
Rotessa Fees
Credit Card Monthly Fees*
*based on a 2.9% per credit card transaction fee
The New Way
The Rotessa Way to Get Paid
I get to decide when payment comes out of my customer’s account
Auto deposit with a clean report
Better customer relationships
Hundreds of dollars in savings every month to put back in my business
Set recurring schedules and forget about it
Awesome cashflow
The Old Way
Send an invoice and wait for my customer to initiate a payment
Pay nearly 3% on every transaction (yikes)
Deposit and reconcile each payment one by one
Set up the same payment month in and month out
Awkward collection calls
Chat with humans,not robots
Our support team is fast and responsive, ensuring your experience is not just seamless but extraordinary. We’re here to empower your journey every step of the way.

"So slick and so easy"
Brittany Mundy
Social People Co
"Super simple"
Aaron Weinstein
"Top-notch customer service"
Allison Hawkins
Hawkins & Co.
"Super user friendly"
Carl Mercier
The Little Campus
"A lot less work for us"
Marley Ring
Embrace Orthodontics
"Great solution"
Jacob Kettner
First Rank SEO
"Way Easier"
Amy Howe
Howe Fit
"Easy to use"
Reuben Singh
YFC Steinbach
Some of the industries we love working with
Property ManagementFinancial ServicesEducation & ChildcareHealth ServicesProfessional ServicesFitness & RecreationNon Profits
Some of the industries we love working with
Property ManagementFinancial ServicesEducation & ChildcareHealth ServicesProfessional ServicesFitness & RecreationNon Profits
"So slick and so easy"
Brittany Mundy
Social People Co
Property ManagementFinancial ServicesEducation & ChildcareHealth ServicesProfessional ServicesFitness & RecreationNon Profits
"Easy to use"
Reuben Singh
YFC Steinbach
Property ManagementFinancial ServicesEducation & ChildcareHealth ServicesProfessional ServicesFitness & RecreationNon Profits
"Way easier"
Amy Howe
Howe Fit
Property ManagementFinancial ServicesEducation & ChildcareHealth ServicesProfessional ServicesFitness & RecreationNon Profits
"Great solution"
Jacob Kettner
First Rank SEO
Property ManagementFinancial ServicesEducation & ChildcareHealth ServicesProfessional ServicesFitness & RecreationNon Profits
"A lot less work for us"
Marley Ring
Embrace Orthodontics
Property ManagementFinancial ServicesEducation & ChildcareHealth ServicesProfessional ServicesFitness & RecreationNon Profits
"Super user friendly"
Carl Mercier
The Little Campus
Property ManagementFinancial ServicesEducation & ChildcareHealth ServicesProfessional ServicesFitness & RecreationNon Profits
"Top-notch customer service"
Alison Hawkins
Hawkins & Co.
Property ManagementFinancial ServicesEducation & ChildcareHealth ServicesProfessional ServicesFitness & RecreationNon Profits
"Super simple"
Aaron Weinstein
Start getting paid automatically
No set up fees, minimum fees or cancellation fees.