It’s a serious business dealing with money and bank information online. At Rotessa, we use the latest technology in SSL online security and encryption, but you also have a part to play in keeping your information secure.

Is pre-authorized debit secure?

What is phishing?

Phishing is a type of fraud in which a hacker attempts to gather personal information or credentials by impersonating a legitimate brand and sending users to a malicious website.

What usually happens is this: A hacker sends an email that appears to come from a trusted brand – like Rotessa – asking the user to log in or change the password for their account. When the user clicks on the link in the email, it would take them to a fake Rotessa login page. This is where they would gather your information.

When a hacker uses the right colours and logos both in the email and on the phishing page, it can be difficult to determine what’s real without the right tools.

Never share your Rotessa account password with anyone – not even Rotessa!

The password you use to login to Rotessa and edit users, schedule transactions, export settlement reports and more should only be known by you. We do not know your password and we don’t want to know it.

You will never be asked to send your password to us through an email. For any online service provider – not just Rotessa – you should go to the original website and verify or change your account information there.

Double-check who sent the email

Phishing emails can look legitimate. They might even say they’re from a trusted company!

Hackers can “spoof” a legitimate company name as the email sender to look like it came from [email protected]. But the email underneath is actually a random address like [email protected].

If you’re unsure about an unwarranted email, asking for your account information, make sure to expand the sender details in that email.

Don’t let anyone intimidate you

Emails that have an aggressive tone or claim that immediate action must be taken to avoid terrible consequences should be considered a potential scam.

Phishers often scare people into giving up confidential information. An intimidating or scary email saying that your account is locked or that an invoice must be paid to avoid a suspended account is not going to come from us.

Contact Rotessa Support if you ever receive a weird email or have questions about your account information. We’re here to help!

Check out our Security Standards Overview if you have any questions about how we keep your information secure.

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