Rotessa Roundup | September 2023

The leaves turning to beautiful fall colours let us know the season is changing. We also have a lot to let you know about in the September Rotessa Roundup. Share your payment horror stories, find out the winners of our Summer Referral Program, and meet Fernie Brewing Company.

1. Share your payment horror stories

Do you have a horror story about trying to collect payments from a customer? We want to hear it: from the ridiculous, and hilarious, to the downright cringy!
Share your payment horror story with us (or the best excuse for not getting paid you’ve ever heard) by October 22. If your story is selected to share, you’ll receive FREE Rotessa swag! Submit your story.

2. Summer Referral Program winners

Thank you to everyone who participated in our Summer Referral Program. We are honoured that so many of our users recommend Rotessa. 


Julia Walters, Pathfinder Bookkeeping
Danae Kirk, Kirk Orthodontics
Rowan Cunningham, Forge Training Centre

Thank you for your referrals!

3. Meet Fernie Brewing Company

This summer we had the opportunity meet members of the Fernie Brewing Company team. Their passion for brewing quality craft beer was obvious when we saw the brewing process, the packaging, and enjoyed the final product in the tasting room. They are exceptional at what they do and helping them get paid – with Rotessa, of course – allows them to focus on what they do best. Learn more about their story below.

4. Reminder: We are offline on Monday, September 9

Our team will be offline on Monday, October 9 for Thanksgiving Day. We will not be processing payments and our support centre will be closed.
We will resume processing and be available on Tuesday, October 10. Happy Thanksgiving!

We’d love to hear from you

If you have any comments or feedback about any of our updates or changes, please let us know at [email protected]. Your input helps us continue to make Rotessa better. Stay tuned for the next Rotessa Roundup for more exciting news and updates.

Tech-enabled: Rentch Property Management

Rentch Real Estate and Property Management has been using its extensive experience in real estate to bridge the gap between property owners and renters since 2015. Specializing in Calgary’s inner city, Rentch uniquely approaches rental management, involving owners in every step of the process. 

“We are a tech-enabled property management company,” says founder, Aaron Weinstein, “We’ve created a new way to think through rental management.”

Rotessa Roundup May 2023

Rentch uses technology to support property owners and the people who rent their space in a 24/7 environment. They provide landlords with the tools they need to professionally manage their properties. While large, traditional property management companies use paper applications and post-dated cheques, Rentch uses online services to streamline processes. 

For Rentch, streamlining means not spending time tracking down rent payments. That's where Rotessa comes in.

“Rotessa was a huge saviour for us,” explains Aaron, “Super simple. We set their rent, we set 12 payments for a year, rent is taken care of.” 

Learn more about Rentch and how Rotessa helps them in our latest customer video above.

Rotessa Roundup | Summer 2023

Time sure flies when you're having summer fun! Our team has been busy at Rotessa while fitting in some vacation time too. Check out all our updates in the Summer Rotessa Roundup!

1. Thank you for spreading the word about Rotessa

We asked you to refer Rotessa and WOW! You delivered! Thank you to everyone who participated in our Summer Referral Program. Just like summer, the program is now over, but we still have our prize draw coming up! For eligible participants, the prize draw for three Apple iPad Airs will take place October 3-5. Stay tuned for the winners announcement!

2. Meet Social People Co.

Earlier this year we had the opportunity to meet with the founders and team members that make up Social People Co. Their positive energy is contagious and you can tell they love what they do: helping businesses with original, engaging social media marketing. They use Rotessa to save time and money. Watch their story below.

3. Rotessa team: Summer vacation spots

Here at Rotessa, we like to work hard and play hard. This summer our team vacationed near and far. Maybe you visited some of the same places?

Rotessa Roundup Summer 2023

Happy Summer! Here comes Fall!

4. Reminder: We are offline on Monday, October 2

Our team will be offline for a day in lieu of National Day for Truth and Reconciliation on Monday, October 2. We will not be processing payments or available for support as we will take the day to recognize the impact of the Canadian Indian residential school system.

We will resume processing and be available on Tuesday, October 3.

We’d love to hear from you

If you have any comments or feedback about any of our updates or changes, please let us know at [email protected]. Your input helps us continue to make Rotessa better. Stay tuned for the next Rotessa Roundup for more exciting news and updates.

Passion for quality: Fernie Brewing Company

Fernie Brewing Company is not only defined by what they brew, but also where they brew. When you visit their headquarters and tasting room in Fernie, BC which boasts panorama views of the rocky mountains, their passion is evident.

“We brew really high-quality craft beer made with really high-quality ingredients, handcrafted by our team of brewers,” says Mark Barron, Business Manager at FBC.

Family-owned, FBC has been brewing craft beer since 2003 and continues to grow and expand its distribution – from British Columbia, Alberta, and across the Canadian prairies – and product lines.

Pete Jervis, one FBC brewer explains why he enjoys his work: “That level of accomplishment at the end of it, being able to drink something you enjoy and something you can share with friends.”

How does Rotessa help FBC? Collecting payments from their suppliers, “We really want it easy for them to pay us,” explains Barron, “and Rotessa really helps us to do that.”

Learn more about Fernie Brewing Company and how Rotessa helps them in our latest customer feature.

Leveling the small business playing field: Social People Co

Social People Co. levels the playing field for small businesses with their custom social media services.

Since 2017, long-time friends, Rachel and Brittany, have teamed up to help businesses with original, engaging social media marketing. They work with other entrepreneurs to convert authentic content into customers.

“I just repeatedly saw the same issue of clients needing custom content...,” explains Rachel, “and then, Social People Co. came to life!”

Brittany has a background in photography and Rachel in social media marketing, so it made sense to pool their talents and build what has become a multi-faceted digital marketing agency based in Calgary.

The duo now employs a team of ten that is passionate about educating business owners on how to use social and online strategies to move their companies forward. This includes offering social media content through subscription-based packages. They consistently see the benefits of using pre-authorized debit to collect payments from their subscribers.

“It has really streamlined the process for us and our clients….It’s just so slick, so easy, and it’s just saved all of us so much time,” says Brittany.

For those entrepreneurs just starting out, Brittany provides a few tips, “start before you’re ready, commit to it, have fun, and don’t overthink it.”

Learn more about Social People Co. and how Rotessa has helped them in our latest customer video.

Rotessa Roundup | May 2023

The hot temperatures are here – and just in time – as we launch our Summer Referral Program! The May Rotessa Roundup covers our marketing team’s trip to meet with some awesome Rotessa users in Calgary and Fernie.

1. Spread the word about Rotessa for a chance to win

From June 1 to August 31, for every business you refer that starts collecting their payments with Rotessa, you will be entered for a chance to win one of three Apple iPad Airs! 

Plus, the businesses you refer also benefit from signing up before August 31. When they use your referral code, the month they sign up in, and the next month is FREE. It’s a win-win. No risk for them to try Rotessa, and rewards for you!

Don’t delay – summer is short! The sooner and more times you refer Rotessa, the better your chances of getting rewarded. Get your personalized referral code now and cheers to a great summer!

2. Rotessa goes west

Rotessa Roundup May 2023

We started our week-long trip in Calgary with Rentch Property Management. Rentch and their properties are mainly based in Calgary's downtown. They empower independent landlords to professionally manage their properties. We're lucky to be a small part of that!

Rotessa Roundup May 2023

Our next stop was Fernie Brewing Company. We saw the brewing process, the packaging, and enjoyed the final product in the tasting room. The Fernie Brewing team is exceptional at what they do and helping them get paid – with Rotessa, of course - allows them to focus on what they do best.

Rotessa Roundup May 2023

Back in Calgary, we had so much fun with the Social People Co. team. They are an amazing team with immense marketing know-how, fun energy, and passion for every client.

Rotessa Roundup May 2023

Breakfast with Mohamed Ismail, founder of Shift Accounting was a great way to finish off our trip. Mohamed's company specializes in accounting services for Canadian dentists and orthodontists. He sees Rotessa as a great fit for his clients and we appreciate all of his recommendations!

3. More trip details ahead

We really enjoyed meeting up with some Rotessa users in Western Canada last week. We look forward to sharing each of their stories in more detail over the coming months. In the meantime, we wish you a wonderful summer!

We’d love to hear from you

If you have any comments or feedback about any of our updates or changes, please let us know at [email protected]. Your input helps us continue to make Rotessa better. Stay tuned for the next Rotessa Roundup for more exciting news and updates.

Rotessa Roundup | April 2023

The temperature is finally on the rise and exciting new initiatives have begun at Rotessa. The April Rotessa Roundup reintroduces a team member, teases rewards to your referrals, and announces the winners of our annual The Masters golf pool.

1. Earn rewards for your Rotessa referrals

Our users are our best promoters and we appreciate it when you tell other businesses about Rotessa. This summer we are rewarding your referrals!

Later this month, look out for how you can earn a chance to win a great prize just by spreading the word about Rotessa.

2. Joshua is back!

April 2023 Rotessa Roundup

Having Joshua back in the office and now as a full-time team member is so exciting!

Joshua, a graduate of the University of Manitoba, began as a co-op student last summer. As a member of the development team, Joshua is looking forward to serving Rotessa users again.

Three fun facts about Joshua:

  1. He is obsessed with keyboards
  2. He loves the process of shaving, even though he has a beard
  3. One time his family constructed a 20-foot-tall snowman in their front yard and was featured on the Discovery Channel

3. The Masters winners

Rotessa Roundup April 2023

Congrats to the winners of our office pool for The Masters: Jeremy and (2-time winner) Alex!

Sometimes just guessing the winner because of their cool name is the best strategy. Enjoy those blizzards folks!

We’d love to hear from you

If you have any comments or feedback about any of our updates or changes, please let us know at [email protected]. Your input helps us continue to make Rotessa better. Stay tuned for the next Rotessa Roundup for more exciting news and updates.

Rotessa Roundup | March 2023

With March behind us at Rotessa, we cannot confidently confirm if Spring has arrived. This Rotessa Roundup has a few features on our team, office parties, and an important reminder about your scheduled transactions.

1. Reminder: The upcoming Easter weekend and your payments

Our team will be offline from Friday, April 7 until Sunday, April 9. We will not be processing any payments or available on chat for support over this long weekend.

Any transactions scheduled over this weekend will be processed on Monday, April 10.

If you have any questions, feel free to email our support team and we will respond when we are back in the office.

2. The future of tech on the prairies

March 2023 Rotessa Roundup

Earlier in March, our Director of Tech, Joe, presented to the Pembina Trails Early College (PTEC) ninth graders about programming security into applications.

Joe covered topics such as substitution cipher, substitution solver, and – pictured here – the differences between Symmetric vs Asymmetric Encryption.

Thanks to our Tech Manitoba partners for such a great opportunity where Joe could share his expertise with the future of tech!

3. The Masters at Rotessa


Our annual tradition celebrating the start of The Masters continues with our usual steak lunch.

The Masters Tournament (usually referred to as simply The Masters) is one of the four major championships in professional golf. A few of us on the Rotessa team enjoy golf and the competition, while the rest enjoy the food and our time spent together.


For the second year, to make the tournament more interesting, each team member chose a few players from a pool. Stay tuned for the winner of The Masters Tournament and if anyone from our team wins a sweet prize!

We’d love to hear from you

If you have any comments or feedback about any of our updates or changes, please let us know at [email protected]. Your input helps us continue to make Rotessa better. Stay tuned for the next Rotessa Roundup for more exciting news and updates.

Rotessa Roundup | February 2023

The February Rotessa Roundup is a great excuse to show off our offerings! In this month's edition: announcing the first phase of our new signup process and a reminder about our API solution – a quick but great read!

1. The latest update: A new signup process

We continue to try and improve your Rotessa experience. If you recently signed up for a Rotessa account or created an account for a client, you may have noticed our new signup experience.

The first release of our signup process takes you, step-by-step, through all the required information for a Rotessa account. This new phase is a guided and curated journey – simplifying your signup.

Of course, we love to hear your feedback and answer any questions you have as you create or complete your Rotessa account.

2. Rotessa's API solution

We want to make payments easy, but we know some customers have a unique process for collecting their payments. We want to remind you that we offer an API (Application Program Interface) solution that can be used to improve your workflow.

Customers that want to build a custom connection between Rotessa and their systems can review our API information to get started. We also have information about our full-featured Sandbox environment available to create and test your workflow changes.

Our support team can also answer your specific API questions.

We’d love to hear from you

If you have any comments or feedback about any of our updates or changes, please let us know at [email protected]. Your input helps us continue to make Rotessa better. Stay tuned for the next Rotessa Roundup for more exciting news and updates.

Rotessa Roundup | January 2023

We hit the ground running as 2023 began at Rotessa. In January's Rotessa Roundup, we celebrate our partnerships, our team, and a special anniversary!

1. #BookkeepingWeekCanada


Small businesses and entrepreneurs depend on bookkeepers to support them as they build and grow their passions into thriving businesses. This year, along with CPB Canada, we took time to celebrate the bookkeeping profession from January 16 to 20.

Throughout that week we took time to shine a spotlight on some of our Rotessa Bookkeeping Partners who are also CPB Canada members.

Are you a bookkeeper, who loves Rotessa, interested in becoming a Rotessa Partner? Reach out to our partnerships team to learn more.

2. Rotessa Development Team


We count ourselves lucky to have such an amazing team of app developers. Our team of four – soon to be five! – full-time developers work diligently behind the scenes to improve Rotessa every day.

The development team works hard to make Rotessa the best way to collect your payments. Thanks, team!

3. Celebrating our three-year office-versary

On January 17, 2020 we packed up our storage unit and moved into what we now call home! It has been an exciting three years of working from the office, home, and a little bit of both.

We are very thankful for our cozy office and look forward to many more years in this building!

We’d love to hear from you

If you have any comments or feedback about any of our updates or changes, please let us know at [email protected]. Your input helps us continue to make Rotessa better. Stay tuned for the next Rotessa Roundup for more exciting news and updates.