Our Rotessa Grand Opening was a success!

Over 100 friends and family joined us for an afternoon of wine and cheese to celebrate our new building altogether.

Hitch + Boler Coffee Roasters, our dear friends, provided some really sweet party favours for our guests too! As you can imagine, we are happy to keep all the leftover coffee.

As a team, we take great pride in our building. We loved touring our loved ones through this space that we spend so much time in!

There wasn’t much of a formal program – we love to be as relaxed as possible – but did present a video that introduced the team before Greg gave a toast and thanked some key people who were involved in the new building. We won’t confirm, or deny, that some happy tears were shed.

Greg gives a toast

Our Grand Opening was a great reminder of the amazing community we are surrounded by.

Now, with all the excitement around the new building dying down, we’re getting back to connecting with small business owners like Amy, that need to find a better way to get paid.


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