Hello Fall 🍂

Welcome to the Fall edition of the Rotessa Rundown! As the leaves change, we’re thrilled to share Embrace Orthodontics’ user story, insights on small business payment trends, and another payment horror tale. Also, stay informed about upcoming holidays, meet our newest team member, and have a look behind-the-scenes at Rotessa.

User spotlight: Embrace Orthodontics 🦷

Discover how the Embrace Orthodontics team focuses on patient care, from technology to seamless payments, all while fostering lasting connections. Dive into their story and see how they’re putting patients first. Read it now.

Small business payment trends 📈

By choosing Rotessa, you’ve taken a proactive step to optimize your operations, save on costs, and ensure that your business continues to thrive. Here are some key insights:

  • 29% of small businesses in Canada identified cash flow as their most significant challenge.
  • Approximately 40% of small businesses experience late payments, with an average delay of 20 days.
  • On average, small businesses in Canada spend up to 2% of their revenue on payment processing fees.

Source: Canadian Federation of Independent Business (CFIB)

Another horrific tale 😱

“A client was supposed to pay us after they got back a particularly large tax refund with our help but when we got tired of waiting we asked why the delay and they said they spent all the refund money to get out of jail.”  – submitted by Muib

Have a payment horror story you want to share? Send it to [email protected]. If we publish it, we’ll send you Rotessa swag!

Upcoming holidays 📆

We will not be processing payments and our support centre will be closed on the following dates:

National Day for Truth and Reconciliation, Monday, September 30
Thanksgiving Day, Monday, October 14
Remembrance Day, Monday, November 11 

Any transactions scheduled on these dates will be processed the following day.

Behind the scenes at Rotessa 🎬

Meet Daniel! 👋 Daniel is the newest member of the Rotessa team, in the role of Web Developer and Graphic Designer.

Three fun facts about Daniel:

  1. He enjoys cooking and trying new foods (he’s also a big fan of fries and ice cream as a snack).
  2. He’s the former world record holder for Luigi Circuit in MarioKart Wii.
  3. Despite being a homebody, he has been cliff jumping, canyon swinging, paragliding, water skiing, ridden many roller coasters, and one day hopes to go skydiving.



We’d love to hear from you

If you have any comments or feedback about any of our updates or changes, please let us know at [email protected]. Your input helps us continue to make Rotessa better. Stay tuned for the next Rotessa Rundown for more exciting news and updates.

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A better way to get paid

Withdraw money directly from your customer’s bank account when their payments are due. Schedule one-time or recurring payments to get paid on time.

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