Simplify Accounting and Rotessa
At Simplify Professional Corporation or Simplify Accounting, my firm is all about improving efficiencies and the customer experience with cloud-based technology.
Rotessa is one of the applications that my firm uses on a regular basis that does exactly that: it improves efficiencies in that customer experience. It's a payment solution provider. They use a pre-authorized debit to provide those payment solutions and they integrate with online accounting platforms like QuickBooks Online and Xero.
So how it works is you, essentially, send a link to your customer, they fill in their details, and then whenever you invoice them out of your accounting platforms like Xero or QuickBooks Online, then according to the payment terms of that invoice, you'll get paid when the invoice is due.
It's important to have a discussion with your customer, when they set up that payment process, that when you send that invoice that that's how it works so that they can ensure they have enough cash in the bank account to make that payment. You can work with them on payment terms if there's a cash flow crunch for them, but typically, they'll be able to pay you on those terms, depending on your customers.
It just makes it so much easier for both them as a customer and for your company.
You're not chasing down payments. They're not trying to figure out the best way to pay you. They're not calling you up with their credit card information. They're not sending you a check. It's just a really simple payment solution service.
The cool thing about Rotessa is that they're Canadian. They're based in Steinbach, Manitoba, Western Canada. A local Canadian tech company!
I use it regularly with my firm and it works really well if you got rental properties, a daycare, professional services, branding, or social media type companies. Anytime you have recurring invoices to the same customers, it works extremely well.
I am an accounting partner with Rotessa, which means that my firm and my clients get a discount on their subscription fees. So if you're looking to improve some efficiencies within your company, and if you're looking at maybe what are good payment solutions out there, this is a great solution for that.
I'd be happy to have a discussion on your accounting needs or taxes. Maybe you're looking for a monthly fixed price plan that gives you everything that you need to resolve some of the headaches that you have – because I know that there can be a lot of headaches with bookkeeping and accounting.
That's why I started my firm: to resolve those headaches and to make it easier for you as a business owner.
Accountant & Bookkeeping Partner: Janelle Charriere
Cloud-based bookkeeper, Janelle Charriere, is ready to grow her firm – just one year after opening up shop.
Through working alongside her sister, in her business, Janelle quickly found what she had been looking for in a career. "I've always liked organization and figuring things out," she says.
From Red River College, Janelle has a Business Admin diploma with a major in Accounting. She says she left college "with every intention" to obtain her CPA. But after working in an accounting firm for three years, she was "over that."
Janelle began JCL Strategies in May 2019.
Hiring and Firing the Client
A cloud-based, solopreneur, Janelle calls her own shots and chooses what type of clients she is willing to take on.
12 clients followed her when she left because of the relationships they built together. All her current clients work mostly with trades and are, as Janelle says, "Very easy to deal with."
For Janelle, a good client knows that they don't know what they're doing when it comes to bookkeeping and are willing to let go of control – let someone else do the bookkeeping – because that is not what you, the client, got into business for.
"Working at the accounting firm, you don't say 'no' to anybody. Everybody who walks in the door, wanting bookkeeping, you say 'yes' to – no matter if their books were a disaster or not. The ability to say no to someone because I don't like how they run their business or I don't think we'll be a good fit is a lovely thing."
The idea of hiring and firing clients, while new to the world of bookkeeping and accounting, is a guide for Janelle and how she manages her time and business. When hiring clients, Janelle makes it known that: "if you want things on time, you have to give me things on time."
"It has to be a relationship where we can work together – not against each other and never nagging you."
A word of mouth referral is Janelle's greatest marketing tool. She trusts the clients she loves and assumes the new sign-ups "should have the same mentality" as those lovable clients.
"It can be cool because they [tradespeople] may end up working together. So if one needs something from the other, I can be the in-between and get those files to them. I can make sure that both sides make sense." This ability to work on a project like a team is a great benefit to Janelle and her clients.
Client Requirements
Janelle's clients are also expected to use QuickBooks Online as she knows all the ins, outs, and well, she works for them! In addition to her bookkeeping practice, Janelle trains those switching to QuickBooks Online and offers training services for those who want to try out their hand at bookkeeping.
She says, though, that they soon realize "I want nothing to do with this," and they hire her for their business' bookkeeping needs.
"They know the amount of work that goes in to make their bookkeeping good."
Additionally, anyone who uses JCL will use Rotessa. If you want Janelle to do your books, your payments will be processed by Rotessa with an open authorization.
"Now I don't have to worry about chasing people for money."
In the future, Janelle is hoping to slowly grow her business while keeping the clients she has now. She wants to work with "go-getters" because "I am always trying to find better ways to do things," and doesn't want to work with traditionalists.
To learn more about Janelle and JCL Strategies, visit the website and Facebook page.
Accountant & Bookkeeping Partner: Tanya Hilts
Since 2016 Cloud Bookkeeping Services has used Rotessa to collect payments.
"We adopted the cloud about six years ago," says Tanya, a member of the Rotessa Partnership Program. "We were one of the first 50 in Canada."
Being on the cloud didn't mean not working as a team for Cloud Bookkeeping Services. "We chose to work together even though we had the ability to work remote."
Working through a pandemic
Since the outbreak of COVID-19 in Canada, Tanya and the team have opted to work from home. Tanya admits there has been a little strain in communication since disbanding and working from home, but the tools they were already using has made for an easy-enough transition.
Tanya has now begun to work seven days a week and is taking a proactive approach to her clients' questions about government funding in light of COVID-19. With every new announcement from the government about COVID-19 stimulus money, Tanya posts a summary on social media. She says, "I didn't do it in week one and I got inundated with questions after the Prime Minister's first announcements."
"I think that if I can control the information to the clients, then I can control the clients having to contact me. It's working really well."
Tanya also focuses on strategy with her clients. "I try to reach four or five clients a day to try and figure out who qualifies for what."
For her clients who are non-essential services she says, "I help them focus on thinking outside of the box," so they can continue to operate in a remote world.
Because of Tanya and her team's incredible work ethic and customer service, Cloud Bookkeeping Services has not lost a single client.
"I've actually upsold a few people because they have seen the value we are providing because we are able to go that extra mile."
By looking after her clients' success, Tanya is able to look after her team and business.
A learning curve
Accountants and bookkeepers who were not already working at home didn't have much time to learn the cloud-based ropes. "There has been a steep learning curve," Tanya says.
"For those of us who adopted the cloud earlier, we've been having an easy time through this and then there are still many other people that are still working in physical offices."
Firms who don't have options for working virtually on taxes are struggling. Tanya says, "I think we're going to see a lot of people adopting cloud technology after this."
Cloud-based bookkeeping and accounting tools – like Rotessa – give the flexibility of working from home which, Tanya says, will probably stick around even if we go back to "normal life".
Tanya provides resources for bookkeepers with her program: Bookkeeper's Bootcamp and on Facebook. She also hosts live discussions on her Bookkeeper's Corner Facebook group on Friday afternoons (which we were very honoured to be a part of one week)!
"We have to get the message out there," Tanya says.
"If we just switch our mindset and focus on customer service and our client, that will help so many people. It's really important for the bookkeeping industry."
At Rotessa, we know that your practice is all about client success. That’s why our partnership program offers added value for accountants and bookkeepers.
With the program, you can expand your reach with unique promotional opportunities, offer discounted pricing to clients and receive top tier support and feedback from Rotessa.
Schedule a demo with Cody or reach out with your questions to our support team.
Relationships and Optimization with 1UP Digital Marketing
If you can believe it, there was a time when Google did not exist. That's how long Phillip Caines, co-founder of 1UP Digital Marketing, has been using and mastering the internet.
"I was always interested in the internet," Phil says. He decoded how these early search engines ranked websites and made websites until he got to the top.
Phil's first top-ranked website may surprise you: "For a time, I had the number one internet listing for Britney Spears of all things!"
That expertise translates into his work today and the competitive space of digital marketing.
Relationships and results
Phil Caines and his team are experts in digital marketing but come to each job with the intention of supplementing and strengthening an organization's marketing needs – not completely taking over.
Since 2013, Phil says, "We, from the very beginning, wanted to be a partner that could be integrated into a marketing department and help take their digital to the next level and actually deliver."
"Not just deliver reports, but actually deliver results."
Being so results-driven has attributed to their strong relationships with their clients.
"We don't have contracts or lock anybody in," says Phil. "We just want to build relationships, build results, and that's been serving us really well for the last seven years."
Another one of 1Up's strengths is being able to keep up with the rapidly changing internet. Phil says the biggest change, that's affected how they do business, is the migration to mobile.
"People are now glued to their mobile devices," he says. "The days of having a full computer in front of you for casual browsing are gone."
The tight-knit team of 5 works one-on-one with their clients to ensure their strategy and content - no matter where it will be viewed - is going to produce results.
"We strive to have a very diverse skill set in each of our account managers. They are not just relationship-focused, but also technically-focused."
"Cutting through the clutter," creates efficient communication within 1UP but – most importantly – also the client.
1Up Digital Marketing and Rotessa
Since 2015 Rotessa has helped 1UP Digital Marketing continue to focus on integration, building relationships, and results.
"We definitely saw the value of the service right away," says Phil.
Neither credit card processors, who were charging too much, and traditional methods of checks fit 1Up's needs.
"To have an almost 'set it and forget it' system that works well with our clients, Rotessa is definitely something that is filling that void."
Sustainable results and practices
1Up's next project is to go green. "We've recently worked out our sustainability policy and have tried to engrain it in every aspect of our business."
Before working remotely was the norm, the team was all commuting in creative and carbon-friendly ways like public transport, walking, or biking.
By also partnering with other companies that have similar goals and takes sustainability seriously, Phil says, "We hope to further the goals of organizations that are trying to do good and really help them get to the next level."
To learn more about 1Up Digital Marketing, visit their website, or follow them on Twitter and Facebook.
Rotessa Building Grand Opening
Our Rotessa Grand Opening was a success!
Over 100 friends and family joined us for an afternoon of wine and cheese to celebrate our new building altogether.
Hitch + Boler Coffee Roasters, our dear friends, provided some really sweet party favours for our guests too! As you can imagine, we are happy to keep all the leftover coffee.
As a team, we take great pride in our building. We loved touring our loved ones through this space that we spend so much time in!
There wasn't much of a formal program – we love to be as relaxed as possible – but did present a video that introduced the team before Greg gave a toast and thanked some key people who were involved in the new building. We won't confirm, or deny, that some happy tears were shed.
Our Grand Opening was a great reminder of the amazing community we are surrounded by.
Now, with all the excitement around the new building dying down, we're getting back to connecting with small business owners like Amy, that need to find a better way to get paid.
A Chance to Dance: Rotessa and Dancers Edge
Since 2012, Dancers Edge dance studio has been giving kids in Saskatchewan the chance to dance.
Amy Bertram purchased Dancers Edge in August of 2019 from a sole proprietor. Dancers Edge was Amy's hometown dance studio growing up in Warman, Saskatchewan.
"I've been here since the beginning," says Amy. She moved her way up from dancing in 24 pieces a season, to becoming an instructor, and finally an office assistant before leaving for university.
"I've had the opportunity to see Dancers Edge grow over the last eight seasons from a small studio, in a small town, with about 50 dancers to 300 dancers and two studio spaces."
Now, as the owner, Amy focuses on more day-to-day tasks like budgeting and marketing but teaches her Adult Barre Fitness and "Parent and Tot" classes. "Totally different ends of the spectrum, but they are both great classes and tons of fun," she says.
Amy is a strong believer that everyone – no matter where they land on that spectrum – should get to dance.
"I am one of those people that believe that dance is for everyone – whether you have $10 in your bank account or you are a millionaire and you want to join every single class that you possibly can. We try really hard to allow the opportunity for every single person to come in and dance."
With their scholarship program, Chance to Dance, dancers who maybe can't afford to pay for classes on their own get that opportunity to earn their spot and dance at a highly competitive level.
Amy, a full-time registered nurse, has a great business mind and has worked hard to grow this "side business". She attributes her business-savvy to her father. Similar to Amy, he has a completely different vocation but owns other businesses.
"He definitely gave me that little spark for sure," she says. "From a young age, he instilled a hard work ethic and a business mind. He is one of the best mentors I have."
Amy admits, "I am more of a registered nurse on the side than a business owner on the side."
When Amy bought the business, the previous owner gave her an overview of Rotessa as parents pay through installments for dance classes. She says, "The website was super easy to use."
"Rotessa has made it very easy for me to send off a form to families who want to pay through installments - it's super quick. They do everything online and then I never have to touch a cheque or input numbers."
"It's probably one of the easiest parts of my job right now."
Since the big leap of growth from 50 to 300 dancers, Amy keeps dreaming of Dancers Edge's next steps: "The next step is to expand our building a bit more. We would like to create more space for our dancers so they can be here and be comfortable spending the evening here while they wait for classes."
For anyone that has an interest in dance, Amy suggests just dipping your toes into one class your first year – or even just a low-commitment, sessional class: "Go for it, start small, and then I guarantee it will be the only year you go small."
For more information and to follow Dancers Edge's growth, visit their website or follow them on Instagram!
Community and online giving for churches in the Yukon
Relationships are a large part of the British Columbia and Yukon District of the Pentecostal Assemblies of Canada (BCYDPAOC).
"The Pentecostal Assemblies of Canada is a network of churches and ministries. Our District Network Office serves the BC and Yukon Region. Our district office team exists as a network hub, to strengthen and extend the ministry of our local churches and credential holders," explains Devan Sylvester, Communications Team lead for the BCYDPAOC.
Based in Langley, BC the team works to serve the churches and their communities in the entire district.
Devan says, "Our District Network team consists of 15 staff, and we serve just over 200 churches representing 32,000 people attending PAOC Churches in BC and the Yukon."
Working in the northern territory of the Yukon also sets apart the BCYDPAOC.
In addition to their other programs and events in British Columbia, Devan says in the Yukon, "We work with indigenous leaders in planting churches, establishing leadership opportunities, raising awareness of cultural language groups."
By building relationships with these communities, Devan says the BCYDPAOC brings value to their communities through "intentional partnerships".
"We desire to be a relationally based mission agency who together share the following values of quality and health of leadership, congregations, intentionality to creative and authentic opportunities to communicate grace and truth within our local communities."
As a not-for-profit, the BCYDPAOC needs to facilitate donations, tithes, and online giving "We have used Rotessa for over five years as a platform for churches, ministries, and persons to process their online bank to bank donations."
Online giving facilitates several regional training seminars and conferences for churches, volunteers, pastors and leaders throughout the year. Devans says, "We also host generational-focused events for students and children in youth and student ministries."
To find out more and to support the BCYDPAOC, visit their website and Instagram.
Interview with Karen from Compass CPA
For the first episode of In the Clouds, we sat down with Karen Hallson-Kunndel from Compass CPA to discuss what it means to work as a cloud accountant. Even though Karen has a physical location for her business, she has been using cloud-based tech since the beginning of her practice. She says that because the simple things are now automated, she and her team can focus on helping smaller businesses increase their value and performance and achieve their goals.
Watch the full interview:
Ryan Lazanis on cloud accounting: In the Clouds
There's an unprecedented shift taking place in a timeless industry that, in many ways, has been stagnant for many years.
Cloud-based tech is changing the daily grind of accountants and bookkeepers, to the extent that many are no longer working on a desktop computer, in an office building, Monday to Friday, from nine to five.
In our series, In the Clouds, we'll dive deep into the world of cloud accounting in hopes of providing the answers not yet easily found online. We're meeting with some of the leading voices in this space to learn what it means to work “in the clouds”.
Ryan Lazanis is a prominent leader in this space. He founded Xen accounting: one of Canada’s first cloud accounting firms. Within five years his firm was acquired by a global professional services provider.
Now, on the other side, Ryan's current venture Future Firm provides resources (like this article, featuring us, and 130 other cloud accounting software apps) and mentorship to current cloud accountants and bookkeepers wanting to modernize their practices.
Rotessa: Let's start with answering the question of 'what is cloud accounting?'
Ryan Lazanis: When that term (cloud accounting) first started, it was just about using cloud-based apps. I think it has now evolved to more than just using cloud technology.
For me, a cloud accounting firm and a modern accounting firm is the same thing — where you have to be using technology that helps automate your processes. You have to have some sort of business model in place that is scalable, and getting business from more than just referrals.
You don't have to necessarily be a fully remote firm to be a cloud accounting firm, in my opinion. I know of some firms that have an amazing culture, that are very modern, and have a physical presence. Different strokes for different folks.
You just have to be applying some modern practices to your firm to be what I consider a cloud accounting firm.
Rotessa: Is there still hesitation amongst accountants and bookkeepers about going completely cloud-based?
RL: I don't think you need to be completely cloud-based in this day and age. I think what is preventing it is the lack of thought put into a business model.
If you look at most firms from 10 to 20 years ago, you would take any work that comes at you. You'll take this work, that work, whether it fits in your wheelhouse or doesn't - just no model whatsoever. Therefore, there is no efficiency, nothing is streamlined, and it is just about churning out files.
What I think is preventing people from adopting that more modern approach is being intentional about the model you want to have. Like, have a few core services that you offer and do those really well and turn away the things that don't fit into that approach.
Rotessa: It's interesting that you say you don't really identify as an accountant, but more as an entrepreneur. Do you think that is a common theme throughout the cloud accounting space?
RL: I would say I am on the far end of the spectrum of not liking accounting and tax. A lot of the cloud accounting firm owners are more entrepreneurial in nature, in my opinion, than more of the traditional firm owners - I am making a generalization here, but that is kind of what I have noticed. I think a lot more of those traditional firms are practitioners and they're doing tax returns and getting files out the door.
Cloud accounting firm owners are rethinking a business model. They're rethinking how accounting should be done. They're focusing on the customer and determining where there is friction and how they can alleviate that through technology processes.
Rotessa: What do you see as the future of cloud accounting?
RL: It's hard to predict the future, but we are seeing more and more automation happening.
There has been a lot of buzz for the last few years about AI and blockchain taking over everybody's job. Is that really going to happen? It hasn't panned out yet, but it is transforming the industry and the way things are done. But, who knows how long it will actually take to completely replace someone, if ever.
What is changing is client expectations. Clients are expecting an easier experience now - an uber experience. When you can just pick up your phone, press a button, and something comes to you immediately, clients expect that. You are seeing firms having to tailor their approach to changing expectations.
I think the focus will be on the customer journey, identifying the points of friction, eliminating that friction, and trying to make the customer experience more enjoyable in the accounting process.
Subscribe for updates to In the Clouds.
"You have to be invested": Amy from Howe Fit
Fitness has always been a part of Amy Howe's life.
"I have always been super active as an athlete in high school and college," Amy says. "Naturally, I was really drawn to fitness, health, and wellness."
At 19-years-old, Amy was already training others wanting to get healthy at local gyms and fitness centres available for rent. "Since then, I haven't stopped."
Howe Fit's first location was in Kingsville, Ontario then, within two years, Amy was renting out a second location in Harrow, Ontario. Five years ago Amy bought a building and made a permanent home for Howe Fit in Harrow, Ontario.
After being in business for 14 years, Amy says 2018 was one of the biggest years for How Fit: "I felt like Howe Fit grew a lot. I was named the Muscle Insider top 10 trainers of the year for Canada and then I won Ms. Health & Fitness which is an international competition."
"That was a pivotal year to kind of push us in a direction to where we're going to where we are right now."
These accomplishments may appear to be solely won by an individual, Amy says the credit should be shared: "I would say that although I started this company so long ago, it's not just me that makes it awesome anymore - I'm kind of in the background now."
"We have a really stellar group of trainers, front desk staff, managers, salespeople, that makes Howe Fit as awesome as it is now."
Now, in a more managerial role, Amy finds herself talking less about building muscle than she is building marketing campaigns.
As a mother of two, and now with a strong team of 30 behind her, Amy works mostly from home. "I do all of the nutritional coaching for both locations which is about 30 or 40 percent of Howe Fit."
"I am probably still putting in a good 50 to 70 hours a week behind-the-scenes with marketing, ordering, staff schedules, sales, our website and social media."
With over 3,000 likes and followers on her social media, this self-taught marketer is doing well. "I do a lot of reading and try to absorb as much information as I can from other people that have more creative backgrounds to apply to Howe Fit as best as I can."
Amy's advice for other business owners? "You have to be invested."
"I don't find that anyone has as much interest or heart as you when it comes to your brand and product."
And, once again, its the reliable team that makes Amy's die-hard commitment to her business possible: "When you find good staff, treat them well."
"Nothing works unless you have people who are trustworthy, passionate, and are able to represent your brand well."
Amy and her husband joke about her building an empire, but they may not be far off as they are set to move into a brand new building in Kingsville this year.
Even with hundreds of customers and multiple locations, Howe Fitness has used Rotessa since the beginning. The ability to avoid high credit card fees and use that money to build the business has been "way easier" for Howe Fit.
"I am grateful we have advanced as quickly as we have ... It's been a lot but I wouldn't change anything."
To stay connected and learn more about Howe Fit and Amy Howe visit their Facebook and Instagram pages.