A reject is when your customer’s payment has been sent to the bank and has failed to process or settle into your bank account. There are various reasons why a rejection can take place, such as insufficient funds, the customer has requested the payment to be stopped, or the wrong account number was entered.

Rejections are easily resolved depending on the reason. In the event of insufficient funds, the business has up to 30 days to resubmit the payment.

What are Pre-Authorized Debits (PADs)?

What are the advantages of Pre-Authorized Debits?

What kind of businesses are best suited to use authorized debits?

How do pre-authorized debits work?

Are pre-authorized debits secure?

How do I start accepting pre-authorized debits?

What is an authorization and why do I need it for pre-authorized debits?

How long do pre-authorized debits take?

What to know about pre-authorized debit rejections.

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